Monday, April 15, 2013

Achieve That Big Dream

Just because you can multitask, should you?
Not always. If you want the willpower to actually achieve what you set out to do, you need to focus on not being distracted.
Here is the simple and easy recipe for developing the determination you will need to succeed at your big plan, your great project. First, take two eggs and a cup of. . . Wait!
Wrong recipie. Here it is. . .
Even in the little tasks like going to deposit checks at the bank, (an example which Stuart Wilde gave us), do not stop to look at the Banana Republic window display or pick up a newspaper. Go directly to the bank and deposit your checks. Then on to your next task. There is a time to multitask and a time to stop and smell the roses. This is not one.
The determination you will need to get a startup launched, a book written and sold to millions, or a business deal signed on the dotted line, will be built as you become determined with your little tasks. Determination is like a muscle. You need to make your specific intention and complete it. It can be with with anything, like I just did with writing this article.
Your little crowns mean much more than you think.

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