Sunday, November 18, 2007

Coincidental Groceries

I went to buy a chicken for dinner and remembered what a teacher had said years ago, When you go to the bank, don't stop off and pick up your laundry or pop in the record store, just go straight there, and your determination will grow stronger (paraphrased).

I listened and was not be distracted (as was my usual wont) along the way, not by the bookstore or other interesting stores. I went straight to buy for dinner. (Mission accomplished!)

Coming back, I stepped right beside a close friend and we were able to talk as we continued on. (This being unusual in that neither of us had a child in tow and so we could leisurely converse.)

Then I went to Gary Null's Whole Foods and right there was my wife, returning from her work, checking out groceries and I was able to help her carry them home, (this, the first time we met unpurposefully in the 15 years we have known each other).

I guess I was just where I should have been. Perfect Timing, ten minutes later and I would have missed the coincidental meetings. But it's the feeling you get, not the coincidences, which let you know things are as the should be. That palpable connection to the life force. And the term was not coined by George Lucas, I've noticed that Rashi used it in the middle ages, though in Old French.

To begin to feel more connected, just ask now, What do you notice within? And remember, gentle reader, it's the attempt, the asking, not what you call results that matters most of all.

Image by © JLP/Deimos/zefa/Corbis