Saturday, July 13, 2013

The World's Most Macho Beer

Years ago, when I lived in Brooklyn, there was a hugh sign I would pass traveling on the BQE.  In the daylight it said Bruno Truck Sales.  At night, the two neon S's were blown out and it read Bruno Truck Ale.

I couldn't imagine a more macho sounding beer.

"I'll have a Miller," your friend says.
"Make mine a Heineken," says another.
You say, "Gimme a Truck Ale."

That trumps 'em all.  And it's Bruno Truck Ale, a real man's name.
And it's made in Brooklyn, the unfancy part of the city.  The gritty, rough-edged, blue-collared borough.  Not like fancy Manhattan at all.

We have Little Italy and our Chinatown, Brooklyn is our Detroit.

So Bruno + Truck + Ale + Brooklyn.  Needs a solid logo.  And the typeface has to look like it was not designed, just put on as if those fancy details don't matter.  Here's my solution. . .

Now, it can't come in a namby-pamby bottle, but a Foster Lager sized tin.  And it has to pack a punch, halfway between a regular beer and Colt 45 Malt Liquor.

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